Thursday, 15 May 2014

National Volunteer Week - thank you to our volunteers!

s and guys,

Being a not-for-profit organisation many of our programs hinge upon the work of volunteers.  We don't get to see many programs volunteers in the library, but we hope that we can change that!

We know that volunteers have different motivations for contributing...


... but we feel confident that we can meet your resource needs regardless.

You can find information on volunteering and managing volunteers on the Volunteering Australia website, including:
  • National standards for involving volunteers in Not-for-profit organisations
  • Volunteer rights and responsibilities
  • Model code of practice for organisations involving volunteer staff
  • Volunteers and tax information

Here are some of the new resources that we have in the library that may be of interest to you in your role:

New resources in the library!

Come in and visit anytime, or drop us an email if you are in the other offices.

We hope that you feel as appreciated as you are...


 And a final HUGE thank you for all you do:

"I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks."
- William Shakespeare

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Federal budget 2014-15

A brief outline of the federal budget in regards to AOD and MH.  Arrows indicate increases or decreases in spending and crosses cut funding or abolished items, i.e. they do not indicate approval or disapproval of budget items.

It's been a long morning reading budget documents, so if I've missed something please add a comment. 
** 16/05/14 - ANCD have done a more detailed outline regarding AOD here
 - Kate **

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Online PD - Intellectual disability and mental health

Firstly, thanks to Don in QIDDI for notifying the library of this professional development opportunity!

The following online professional development unit was developed by the Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN), at the University of New South Wales.  It was originally offered as a face-to-face workshop, but in an attempt to provide a more accessible and enduring format an eight module self-paced course has been developed.

Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-Learning (idmh e-learning)

Eventually, the website will have separate sections for professionals, carers and consumers, but at present only the "professionals" section is up and running.

The target audience is professionals in intellectual disability or mental health, but anyone with an interest is welcome to complete the course.

Eight modules are offered:

1. Introduction to intellectual disability
2. Living with an intellectual disability
3. Intellectual disability -  changing perspectives
4. Mental disorders in intellectual disability
5. Communication - the basics
6. Improving your communication
7. Assessment of mental disorders
8. Management of mental disorders

Each module begins with an outline of the content and an estimate of the time needed to complete (usually 15-45 minutes).  The outline also covers the guiding principles of the module.

Modules are succinct, nicely displayed and have supporting video clips and linked external websites.  Be sure to click on the "continue learning" or the "next" button to get the full content of a page, if you use the page numbers to navigate the full page won't open.    

There opportunities to provide feedback at the end of each module.

Although not certified, they are currently working on a system where you will be able to print out a statement of completion at the end of each module.

You will need to register to access the content and participate, but registering is obligation free.

If you come across an online professional development opportunity that you would like to share with your colleagues, be sure to email the library or comment below