Whilst some of our staff have been at the event, and will no doubt come back and share some of the presentations they've seen (perhaps here on the blog *less then subtle hint*), we've been watching the tweets from the conference to see what the hottest topics have been. Here's a summary for those who haven't been there...
Dr Adam Winstock - The Internet and Drugs
Perhaps unsurprisingly, there was a lot of discussion around the first presentation by the International Keynote speaker. Dr Winstock comes from the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London.
You may have come across the college before, as they are quite involved in AOD research and I've cover them here briefly once when they offered a free online course.
On the topic of drug use and harm

And, of course, on the topic of drugs for sale on the Internet. Availability was mentioned in several tweets, as was cryptocurrencies that make detection of purchases difficult. Also discussed was the assertion that the first thing purchased via the Internet was cannabis!

Alcohol Ad Review
Plenty of interest (and tweets) about the 2nd Alcohol Advertising Review Board Annual report. Particularly, around alcohol advertising on social media.
Beat da binge campaign
A number of people discussing the "Beat da binge" campaign, and Ian Patterson's presentation on the positives of a community approach in Indigenous communities.
You can find out more about this campaign and its reported effectiveness here, here, and here.
Youth stream
The youth focused stream of the conference is also attracting a bit of discussion online
Undoubtedly, there will be plenty of discussion online today. If you are on Twitter the conference is using #AWS2014, and you can search this to pull up relevant tweets.