For the full report see:
Young people's opinions on alcohol and drug issues.
Some of the strong beliefs are reported by ANCD:
- Supporting access to drug treatment services, including drug withdrawal treatment and residential rehabilitation.
- Supporting harm reduction measures - over two-thirds supported needle and syringe programs, regulated injecting facilities, and the availability of pill testing equipment or kits
- Supporting government intervention only when a person's drug use is causing harm to someone else
- Supporting policies that help them to access accurate, balanced, relevant drug information and education; they would like to be free to make informed decisions about the risks, or benefits, of using drugs
- Supporting approaches to new and emerging psychoactive substances with regulation and opposing outright bans
- Supporting the legalization of personal use of cannabis, with a preference for education and treatment being the first line response by governments.
- Opposing measures that are designed to restrict alcohol availability, including restricted trading hours, increased prices and reduced numbers of outlets selling alcohol
- Opposing the use of sniffer dogs in public places