Thursday, 28 August 2014

What young people think about AOD issues
The Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) has released a report into the opinions of young people around AOD issues.  With the help of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), 2,300 young people aged 16-25 were surveyed.

For the full report see:

Young people's opinions on alcohol and drug issues.

Some of the strong beliefs are reported by ANCD:

  • Supporting access to drug treatment services, including drug withdrawal treatment and residential rehabilitation.
  • Supporting harm reduction measures - over two-thirds supported needle and syringe programs, regulated injecting facilities, and the availability of pill testing equipment or kits
  • Supporting government intervention only when a person's drug use is causing harm to someone else
  • Supporting policies that help them to access accurate, balanced, relevant drug information and education; they would like to be free to make informed decisions about the risks, or benefits, of using drugs
  • Supporting approaches to new and emerging psychoactive substances with regulation and opposing outright bans
  • Supporting the legalization of personal use of cannabis, with a preference for education and treatment being the first line response by governments.
  • Opposing measures that are designed to restrict alcohol availability, including restricted trading hours, increased prices and reduced numbers of outlets selling alcohol
  • Opposing the use of sniffer dogs in public places

Thursday, 14 August 2014

NCETA launches new AOD knowledgebase

The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction has just launched a new website

The site has four knowledge areas; alcohol, cannabis, pharmaceuticals, and methamphetamines.  At present only the "alcohol" section of the website has been finished.
The information presented is intended for clinicians, researchers, policy makers and the general public.  All of the information has been presented in an easy-to-read, easy-to-navigate question and answer format.  They have evaluated and analysed a number of key resources to provide the answers, meaning that the end user does not need to wade through the huge amounts of information available and try to critic the information themselves.  The information provided in the answers is brief and references are included as a separate page. 
The Alcohol Section of the Knowledgebase contains more than 130 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about:
 · Consumption patterns
· Alcohol use and the workplace
· Alcohol-related harms
· The impact of alcohol consumption on crime and violence
· Treatment
· Young people
It is envisaged that the website will be updated frequently to ensure the information is always current.


Friday, 8 August 2014

Measuring global emotion

The CSIRO along with the Black Dog Institute have begun a project mapping emotions expressed in content posted on Twitter.  The "We feel ..." project allows you to search by emotion, region and date.  By clicking through the emotions you are able to see the words that are used to categorise Tweets.

The explorer tab (the first page that opens) provides a nice visual representation of your search...

whilst the table builder allows you to conduct a more refined search...

 There are yet to be any papers released on the data, but the site is free, relatively easy to use, and an interesting insight into global emotion.

Winter School Conference Day 3 - What the Tweets told us

If you want a wrap up of all the tweets about Winter School in a lovely package with great explanations you can visit the Lives Lived Well storify site:

Here's just a brief insight into what was happening on the third day (2nd day of conference presentations) at Winter School.

Waste water analysis
Professor Wayne Hall presented on waste water analysis as a means of determining drug use.

If this is a topic that you are interested in, you may like to read:

Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice report "Measuring drug use patterns in Queensland through waste water analysis"

Hall, W., Prichard, J., Paul Kirkbride, R. B., Thai, P. K., Gartner, C., Lai, F. Y., ... & Mueller, J. F. (2012). An analysis of ethical issues in using wastewater analysis to monitor illicit drug useadd_3887 1767.. 1773. Addiction, 107, 1767-1773.

Novel psychoactive substances
Panel discussion on novel psychoactive substances

For further information consult
Bruno, R., Poesiat, R., & Matthews, A. J. (2013). Monitoring the Internet for emerging psychoactive substances available to Australia. Drug and alcohol review, 32(5), 541-544. Available on request from the library.
The challenge of new psychoactive substances 2013 report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Health promotion stream
Alcohol related violence
Professor Miller, presenter on this topic, is a frequent contributor to The Conversation, and you can read articles by him related to alcohol fuelled violence here, here, and here
Social marketing campaigns
For further reading:
Jones, S. C., & Magee, C. A. (2011). Exposure to alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption among Australian adolescents. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 46(5), 630-637.
Hall, D. V., Jones, S. C., & Hoek, J. (2011). Direct to consumer advertising versus disease awareness advertising: Consumer perspectives from down under. Journal of Public Affairs, 11(1), 60-69.
If you attended Winter School and would like to share some of your learnings please comment below or contact the library about contributing a blog post.