Wednesday, 16 December 2015

January PD post

Find below some of the great PD opportunities available in January.  Comment or email the library if you have anything to add.

Write – presentations and papers

The Australian and New Zealand Addiction Conference
Abstract submissions are now open for the Addiction 2016 conference. Oral presentations, poster presentations and workshops are available as presentation options.  Authors or organisations interested in submitting a paper or presenting a workshop are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation; or about their intended role in a workshop.
Topics include:
  • Prevention & early intervention
  • Treatment approaches
  • Recovery
  • Research and policy
  • Working with vulnerable groups: Indigenous, youth, rural populations
  • Mental Health Impacts: decision making and drug use
  • Methamphetamine: Impact of ICE
  • Drug Addictions: trends and misuse
  • Custodial and forensic settings: programs and services
  • Addiction professional: support and training
  • Addictive disorders and attachment
  • Behavioural addictions: gaming, gambling, sex, online
Submissions due: 5th February, 2016

10th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Drug policy
Abstract submissions are now open for the ISSDP conference.  Presentation options include oral presentations, panel sessions, and workshops.  Abstracts on all aspects of drug policy are welcome but there is particular interest on items addressing the conference themes. The conference themes this year include:
  • Harm reduction: old, new and emerging forms of harm reduction;
  • Drugs policy and its intersection with human rights and development;
  • Indigenous peoples and illicit drug policy;
  • Drug markets and policy responses in Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific;
  • Drug user groups and drug policy: the role of consumers and other stakeholders;
  • UNGASS 2016, and the international drug control system.
Submissions due: 15th January, 2016

No2Bullying conference
Abstract submissions are now open for the No2Bullying conference. Oral presentations, poster presentations and workshops are available as presentation options.  Authors or organisations interested in submitting a paper or presenting a workshop are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation; or about their intended role in a workshop.
Conference streams include:
  • Schools
  • Workplace
  • Cyberbullying
  • Higher Education
  • Principle and Practice
  • Prevention Strategies
  • Lessons Learnt
  • Open
Submissions due: 18th January, 2016

Read – professional reading
Nambiar, D., Agius, P. A., Stoové, M., Hickman, M., & Dietze, P. (2015). Mortality in the Melbourne injecting drug user cohort study (MIX). Harm Reduction Journal, 12(1), 55.

Zinkiewicz, L., Smith, G., Burn, M., Litherland, S., Wells, S., Graham, K., and Miller, P. (2015) Aggression-related alcohol expectancies and barroom aggression among construction tradespeople. Drug and Alcohol Review.

Gomersall, J. S., Canuto, K., Aromataris, E., Braunack-Mayer, A. and Brown, A. (2015), Systematic review to inform prevention and management of chronic disease for Indigenous Australians: overview and priorities. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
This month’s journal club will be presented by the NSW team.  They will be looking at the use of nonviolent communication as an intervention, article to be confirmed.
When: Thursday, 28th January, TBC

January Seminar series (available to Healthy Options workers only)
In January we will have Dr Amy Mullens, Clinical and Health Psychologist and Senior Lecturer from the University of Southern Queensland, presenting on getting the most out of peer and clinical supervision
When: Friday, 22nd January, 12.30pm (AEST)

Computer skills
Microsoft Office 2013 skills
Need to brush up on your Office skills? The following online courses offer free to access, self-paced modules.
Microsoft Word 2013 -
Microsoft Excel 2013 -
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 -
Internet skills
Get a few basics about Internet Explorer under your belt

Listen – podcasts, webinars

24th International Harm Reduction conference
Some of the key presentations from this year’s conference are now available online to view.  There are presentations from representatives around the world with discussions on international policy.  Particularly recommend the moving presentation by Annie Madden from the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) on involving consumers in policy discussions.

Insight webinars
Catch up on any of the Insight Webinars you may have missed during 2015 on the Dovetail Vimeo site.  This year’s topics included:
Resilience based practice in AOD services
Trauma, substance use and well-being in a young population
Barriers to treatment for amphetamine use
Working with families and significant others
And many more…

Podcast: Distorted Love
From the ABC “All in the Mind” radio program. Psychological abuse is part and parcel of the unacceptable level of family violence—it’s particularly challenging to recognise and often hidden behind closed doors. In this podcast a family therapist casts light on the manipulative narcissistic techniques used by some perpetrators to weave a 'web of distorted love'. And, there’s the story of a woman who eventually emerged from a deceptive marriage.
Duration: 30mins

Podcast: Leadership in social work
The idea of leadership is finding its way more often into the discussions of professional social work, but what is meant by "leadership"? And, what does being a "leader" mean? In this episode, Chad Allee describes what leadership is, argues for the importance of leadership in social work, and points to the need to cultivate more social work leaders
Duration: 22 minutes

Podcast: Alternative identities – Vampires
DJ Williams addresses some of the personal and professional issues social workers and other professionals face when working with people who have alternative identities, in this case people who identify as vampires. Social workers work with many people defined by dominant discourses as deviant. When identities are so outside the norm, judgements can prevent people disclosing important aspects of themselves and the fear of being misunderstood can be a hindrance in working with them.
Duration: Approx. 30 mins

Assessed learning – short courses, certificates, diplomas, bachelors, post-grad

Master of Addictive Behaviours
The Master of Addictive Behaviours is offered through Turning Point, Eastern Health Clinical School.  This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of addiction science, policy and practice. It is a multi-disciplinary, modular post-graduate degree that is delivered online but which retains a strongly interactive and dynamic focus.
Covering key contemporary issues such as problem drinking and gambling, and misuse of prescribed and illicit drugs, the course is delivered by a team of national and international experts from Monash University, Turning Point and other leading universities. This master's program is built on a strong conceptual and theoretical foundation and covers key topics in epidemiology, public health and policy, prevention and treatment and research methods.
The course is suitable for graduates in psychology, criminology, nursing, medicine and social work, and for professionals engaged in criminal justice, mental health, community health and public policy. It enables students to enhance their career development, improve their academic skills and gain a rewarding and satisfying educational experience.
All units in this course are delivered online. Contact with teaching staff is available via forum discussions, announcements, email and telephone.
Final closing date applications: 5th February

Graduate Course in Alcohol and other Drugs Studies
Turning Point offers the Graduate Course in Alcohol and other Drugs Studies, leading to either a Graduate Diploma or a Graduate Certificate.  For further details on each of these courses visit their respective websites.
Final closing date for applications:  5th February
Graduate Certificate
Graduate Diploma

Friday, 27 November 2015

New LGBTIQ website, checking drug interactions and more...

A few new (and not so new) online resources for you to be aware of

Launched recently, TouchBase is a website designed to provide information and resources to members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer/Questioning community on substance use, mental health and sexual health.  TouchBase is a collaboration between the Victorian AIDS Council, the Australian Drug Foundation, and the Australian Federation of AIDS Councils.  There is a good range of information presented in a clear and easy to navigate format.  Great information on the effect of substances on people using HIV medication or those who are taking some form of hormone therapy.


 The Penington Institute have just released two new video resources about the use of Naloxone to prevent overdose.  The videos are aimed at people using substances, their friends and family, as well as frontline workers.


Penington Institute also launched the mobile optimised version of its COPE website. COPE (Community Overdose Prevention and Education) is a community-based opioid overdose prevention initiative run by Penington Institute. The COPE mobile site provides access to critical life-saving information to doctors, paramedics, pharmacists, and other health workers, as well as people at risk of overdose.


A framework for working safely and effectively with men who perpetrate intimate partner violence in substance use treatment settings is a new set of guidelines released by Kings College. Although some of the material has a UK focus, most of the information is applicable to an Australian setting.

Knowledge Circle, is a new resource to support workers in their efforts to help keep Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children safe and happy in their communities. This resource includes practice profiles, discussion boards and webinars
And finally,
Looking for a resource for drug interactions?  Try Drug Interactions Checker.  It's quite straight forward to use and the information provided is clear and written for laypersons (i.e. not medical jargon).  Naturally this resource comes with a disclaimer around not being able to predict all drug interactions and that it should be used as a guide only.  This is particularly relevant to illicit substances as the actual content of the substance may vary significantly.

Friday, 6 November 2015

New resources for your AOD toolkit

These are some of the great new resources being released both nationally and internationally for clinicians working in alcohol and other drugs.

YouthAOD Toolbox

Previously only available if you registered, this online resource from the Youth Support and Advocacy Service is now accessible to all.

The toolbox includes outlines of frameworks, theories, therapeutic models, and training modules.

Youth & Health Worker Support Kit

The "Youth and health worker support kit: working with young people and viral hepatitis - Risks, consequences and choices of body art and drug use" online brochure has been produced by Hepatitis NSW. It has a range of session plans, strategy worksheets and activities to use when discussing viral hepatitis.

Medication for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder: Pocket Guide

Produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, in the US, this pocketbook outlines some of the medications used for alcohol use.

Medication assisted treatment of opioid dependence

The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) have released two new resources:

Medication assisted treatment of opioid dependence: Your questions answered

Medication assisted treatment of opioid dependence: A review of the evidence

Friday, 16 October 2015

November PD activities

Find below some of the great PD opportunities available in November.  Comment or email the library if you have anything to add.
Write – presentations and papers

4th Annual No 2 Bullying Conference, 18-19th April
Abstract submissions are now being accepted under the following streams:
  • Schools
  • Workplace
  • Cyberbullying
  • Higher Education
  • Principle and Practice
  • Prevention Strategies
  • Lessons Learnt 
  • Open
The 2016 Conference will focus on key principles and best practice for creating a generational change towards bullying and will examine bullying in schools, workplaces and cyberspace
Abstract submission closes: 18th Jan 2016

Read – professional reading

Darvishi N, Farhadi M, Haghtalab T, Poorolajal J (2015) Alcohol-Related Risk of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempt, and Completed Suicide: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0126870. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126870

Leigh, S. & Flatt, S. (2015) App-based psychological interventions: Friend or foe?. Evidence-based Mental Health. doi:10.1136/eb-2015-102203

Allara, E., Ferr, M., Bo, Alessandra., Gasparrini, A. (2015) "Are mass-media campaigns effective in preventing drug use? A Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis" in BMJ Open 2015;5:e007449

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
This month’s journal club will be presented by the SA team.  Debby Kadarusman will be looking at an article on positive psychology.
When: Thursday, 19th November, 2pm (AEST)

Pennington Institute online modules for AOD workers
Modules include:
  • Introduction to brief interventions
  • Introduction to crystal methamphetamine
  • Introduction to young people and drugs
You will need to register to access the modules.  Each module includes a pre-quiz, training module, post-quiz and printable certificate
Access anytime.  Self-paced.

Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach – online course
Public Mental Health is the application of the principles of medicine and social science to prevent the occurrence of mental and behavioral disorders and to promote mental health of the population. This course illustrates the principles of public health applied to depressive disorder, including principles of epidemiology, transcultural psychiatry, health services research, and prevention. It is predicted that by 2020 depressive disorder will be the most important cause of disease burden in the entire world!  Every human being suffers from feeling depressed at some point or other, but only about one fifth of the population will experience an episode of depressive disorder over the course of their lives. This course illuminates the public health approach to disease, and the particular complexities of applying this approach to mental disorders, using depression as the exemplar.  
When:  2nd November
Duration: 7 weeks, 2-5hr/wk

Attend - conferences

Annual Scientific Alcohol and Drugs Conference
Hosted by the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Drugs (APSAD) this year’s conference will address a diverse range of issues including co-existing mental health and drug problems, aetiology, policy innovations, emerging psychoactive substances, responding to First Peoples’ needs and addressing drug related harms.
When: 8 – 11th November
Where: Perth, W.A.
Cost: $420 - $960 see website for details

International Indigenous Health Conference
The conference will highlight some of the existing Indigenous health programs currently implemented in communities throughout Australia and in other Indigenous communities in the world provide a unique opportunity for delegates and speakers to see the power of people networking together. This event also provides delegates with an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas and information regarding success stories and the challenges they have experienced in rolling out various programs and projects
When: 1st-3rd December
Where: Cairns, Qld.
Cost: $1000!2015-indigenous-health-conference/c1sdu

Second National Complex Needs Conference
This conference seeks to identify and showcase successful collaborative efforts in service delivery, with a view to informing whole-of-government approaches to policy and program development.
When: 17 – 18th November
Where: Canberra, A.C.T.
Cost: $350 - $820 See website for details

Australian Long-Term Unemployment Conference
With long-term unemployment reaching a 16 year high, the impact on individuals and families, society and the economy is immense. Early intervention and targeted programs for those facing more than 12 months, or longer, of unemployment are needed.  The Conference Program will be designed to challenge, inspire, demonstrate and encourage participants while facilitating discussion. The program will include an extensive range of topics with Keynotes, Concurrent Sessions, Case Studies and Posters.
When: 9 – 10th November
Where:  Melbourne, Vic.
Cost: $600 - $850 See website for details

Listen – podcasts, webinars

Insight – Tall Poppies - Webinar
Presented by Dr Jeremy Hallyar, Clinical Director, Metro North Mental Health, Alcohol & Drugs Service Qld
With all the press and hype about ice, is there a danger that we are losing sight of the evolving challenge of opioid use? This seminar will look at the USA situation over the last 20 years and consider if Australia is heading in the same direction.  Responses to opioid use will be discussed.
When:  Wednesday, 4th November, 9am (AEST)

Helping transgender people thrive - Podcast
Transgender and gender nonconforming people are becoming more accepted in mainstream society, but they still remain misunderstood and understudied. In this episode, psychologist Anneliese Singh discusses how she and other researchers are trying to understand resilience within this population. She also talks about new practice guidelines for the mental health professionals who work with them.
Duration: 12mins

“Flying over the radar” Changing practice to support children and families where a parent has a mental illness – Webinar
This webinar described ways to foster systemic change in practice to improve outcomes for families where a parent has a mental illness.
Duration: 50mins

Thursday, 15 October 2015

2015 EDRS and IDRS report findings

About the IDRS and EDRS

The Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) and the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) are two studies conducted by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC).  These studies output annual reports on illicit drug use, both nationally and by state.

Participants in the research are currently using substances, i.e. the study does not look at drug use in the general population.   Data are gathered from interviews with people currently using drugs, key experts in the field, and professionals who have regular contact with people who inject drugs (IDRS) or regular psychostimulant users (EDRS) through their work.


Heroin remains the most commonly used drug amongst people who inject drugs.  The proportion of respondents using heroin remained stable, but the frequency of use had increased.  The drug is reportedly very easy to obtain and is of low purity.

Use of cocaine remained stable and use of cannabis was high, but stable. 

Sharing injection equipment was common, with 6% of respondents having borrowed a needle and 11% having lent a needle.  Re-use of own needle was common (41%).

Over half of the sample reported a mental health problem during the previous 6 months.  Most commonly reported was depression, followed by anxiety


Although decreasing over the last 12 years, ecstasy remains the most commonly reported drug of choice, closely followed by cannabis, which has increased over the last 12 years.  There is a reported decrease in use of ecstasy pills and increase in use of ecstasy/MDMA crystals. 

There was a significant increase in regular psychostimulant users reporting using other drugs with ecstasy (89%).  Reported use of any methamphetamine has significantly decreased with powder and base use significantly decreasing and crystal use remaining stable.

In terms of other drug use, there has been a significant increase in reported use of tobacco and amyl nitrate.

...and Ice

Crystal methamphetamine use is up (6%) amongst people who inject drugs (PWID), such that 67% of PWID used Ice in the previous 6 months.  Crystal methamphetamine use is stable amongst regular psychostimulant users at around 19%.

Users of crystal methamphetamine report the drug is easily obtained and the purity is high.

Harms related to methamphetamine use are high with a dramatic increase in hospital presentations and people seeking treatment.  There has also been an increase in methamphetamine related deaths.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Mental Health Week

 As part Mental As week, 4 – 11 October 2015, the ABC is providing programs on ABC TV and Radio National as well as links to various articles and support services from their home page

Spend some time doing a relaxation activity.  These guided exercises from the University of Sydney are quite good and include breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic relaxation and visualisation. 

by Jerome

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

September PD activites

Find below some of the great PD opportunities available in September.  Comment or email the library if you have anything to add.
Read – professional reading

Queensland AIDS Council (2015). Many shades of blue: Enhancing service delivery to address the mental health needs of LGBTI populations

Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (2014) Managing methamphetamine dependence: interventions and beyond.  Special online edition of Drug and Alcohol Review

Roche, A., Pidd, K. and Kostadinov, V. (2015), Alcohol- and drug-related absenteeism: a costly problem. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
This month’s journal club will be presented by the CARER team.  Topic to be announced.
When: Thursday, 17th September, 2pm

Australian Winter School presentations
Missed Winter School 2015?  Not to worry; presentations are now available to download from their website.

Health Literacy and Communication for Health Professionals – online course
This inter-professional course will help educate a variety of health professionals about health literacy efforts and improved communication skills. It will require your active participation in creating health literate interactions at various organisational levels. This course will provide the opportunity to reinforce existing opportunities to work together as a multidisciplinary team or fill a gap if you haven’t had an opportunity to do so yet!
When: 13 September
Duration: 8 weeks, 3-6hr/wk

Attend - conferences

2015 NDARC Annual Research Symposium
The symposium examines the current issues and future solutions in regards to emerging problems in alcohol and drug use
When: 15th September
Where: Sydney, N.S.W.
Cost: $220+

3rd Population Health Congress
The theme for the 2015 congress is “One vision, many voices”. This theme will be explored and discussed through the following six sub themes:
  • Engagement and advocacy action
  • Research and knowledge transfer
  • Healthy places, healthy spaces
  • Grand challenges and wicked problems
  • Vulnerable populations
  • Advancing public health
When: 6th-9th September
Where: Hobart, Tas.
Cost: $350 - $1150, see website for details

Kornar Winmil Yunti - National Domestic & Aboriginal Family Violence Conference
Conference theme is “New and innovative ways to address early intervention, primary prevention and response.  The conference looks at child abuse prevention, domestic abuse prevention, and Aboriginal family violence prevention
When: 15th-16th September
Where: Adelaide, S.A.
Cost: $750

3rd Indigenous Social Work conference
The 3rd International Indigenous Social Work Conference (3IISWC) brings together Indigenous social workers from around the world to share solutions to issues that affect Indigenous peoples.
Featuring internationally renowned Indigenous leadership, this gathering will develop positive relationships and understanding between peoples, governments and community for the betterment of all through Indigenous well-being, productivity and immense socio-economic growth.   It is relevant to all Indigenous and non-Indigenous social workers and welfare workers. Allied health workers and others who work with Indigenous people through legislation, policy development and the implementation of services to communities should also attend.
When: 14th – 17th September
Where: Darwin, N.T.
Cost: $575 - $1195, see website for details

Listen – podcasts, webinars

Dovetail podcast - Harm reduction and ecstasy use
In this episode, Dovetail's own Cameron Francis talks about the harms of MDMA (ecstasy) and strategies that can reduce these harms.  This includes adulterant screening devices such as home pill testing kits, but also more formal adulterant screening programs such as those operating in the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe.  These programs are designed to identify highly dangerous substances such as PMA which have appeared recently around Australia and overseas.  Cameron also discusses the other acute harms of MDMA including overheating and dehydration and provides tips for workers who are engaging with young people who are currently using MDMA.

Supporting the Wellbeing of People Experiencing a Trauma Response
Available from the Mental Health Professional’s Network (MHPN), an interdisciplinary team discusses responding to clients with a trauma response using a case study.

Insight webinar series

It’s not a one-way street: AOD client engagement and participation
Presented by Ms Leisa Brandon, MNMH-ADS Client Participation and Engagement Project
(Project Gauge) and Ms Niki Parry QPAMS Coordinator - QuIHN; President - QuIVAA; President -
This presentation will focus on the importance of involving clients of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) services in active and meaningful participation and engagement activities. Niki and Leisa will provide an overview of the current research, legislative context, AOD specific barriers and benefits of client engagement and participation. Niki has worked in the community sector for many years and is an advocate for AOD client engagement. Leisa is employed as a Client Engagement and Participation Project Officer at Metro North Mental Health – Alcohol and Drug Services (MNMHADS) to review practice and focus on improving current AOD client engagement and participation.
Wednesday, 2nd September, 9am (EST)

Alcohol and drug harms, mental health and self-harm in the population: Ambulance data and timely, robust monitoring and responses
Presented by Dr Belinda Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow, Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre
Although AOD harms, mental health and self-harm are priority areas for development of effective policy and treatment, there is currently a lack of robust, timely data for monitoring these harms at a population level. This presentation will focus on the use of an internationally unique national monitoring system of acute overdose, self-harm and mental health-related ambulance presentations. This data is invaluable in identifying emerging patterns in AOD related harms and mental health and suicidal behaviour, including differences across subpopulations or geographic regions, and clustering within distinct time periods.
Wednesday, 9th September, 9am (EST)

The Weird and Wonderful World of Sleep
Presented by Dr Sandy Sacre, Associate Professor, Nurse Educator, Metro North Mental Health –
Alcohol and Drug Service
Sleep loss and sleep disorders are extremely common and cause an enormous public health burden in terms of direct and indirect health costs and lost productivity. Sleep disorders and their proper diagnosis and management are often poorly understood. This presentation will cover a wide range of sleep disorders to help clinicians better understand these problems when they encounter them in daily practice.
Wednesday, 16th September, 9am (EST)

Being Insane: A voice listener’s story
Presented by Mr Eddie Blacklock, RN BA MA Private Counselling Consultant
This presentation is a brief analysis of a recently published narrative based to raise public awareness about schizophrenia from a lived-in perspective; to demystify and de-stigmatise what it means to be diagnosed with schizophrenia; to raise public and professional awareness about the debilitating effects antipsychotic medications have on many patients and make transparent some routine process of an acute mental health unit.
Wednesday, 30th September, 9am (EST)

Thursday, 23 July 2015

August PD activities

A list of some of the available PD sessions coming up in August.  Comment below or contact if you have something to add.

Write – presentations and papers

The 2015 Australian Stop Domestic Violence Conference
Abstracts now open for this year’s conference on the topic of “Connecting the dots…”
Presentation topics include:
  • Community (e.g. Educational Programs, Homelessness, Intervention, Helplines)
  • Communication and Interstate Collaboration
  • Law Enforcement, Protection and Legal System
  • Government and Policy Making
  • Mental Health (e.g. Impact on service provider personnel, Preventative care, Access to services, Identification of core issues and diagnosis)
  • Indigenous Communities
  • Special Topics/Open (e.g. Children, CALD, Disability, Elder Abuse, IPV and Sexual Assault, LBGTI, Parental Violence)
  • Research
Authors or organisations interested in speaking at the Conference, are invited to submit an abstract or paper of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation; or about their intended role in a workshop.
There are spots available for oral presentations, workshops, and poster presentations.
Submissions due: 29th August

Read – professional reading

Renner, P., O'Dea, B., Sheehan, J. and Tebbutt, J. (2015), Days out of role in university students: The association of demographics, binge drinking, and psychological risk factors. Australian Jnl of Psychology, 67: 157–165.

Degenhardt, L., Coffey, C., Hearps, S., Kinner, S. A., Borschmann, R., Moran, P. and Patton, G. (2015), Associations between psychotic symptoms and substance use in young offenders. Drug and Alcohol Review.

Furr, S. R., Johnson, W. D. and Goodall, C. S. (2015), Grief and Recovery: The Prevalence of Grief and Loss in Substance Abuse Treatment. Jrnl Addictions & Off Counsel, 36: 43–56.

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
Journal club this month will be presented by the Early Interventions team
When: Wednesday, 19th August 10am
Where: Boardroom and Skype meeting

Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) – Professional eLearning courses
COPMI have a range of online courses available for free for professionals.  The online courses require Internet access, an up-to-date browser and Flash player
Topics include:
  • Keeping children and families in mind
  • Supporting infants and toddlers
  • Let’s talk about children
  • Child aware practice
  • Child aware supervision
Duration: 2-4 hours – can be accessed over several sessions

Sociology – Free online course
This course is offered by the University of Western Sydney.  Sociology examines individuals in their social contexts and provides insights into factors such as class, gender and age shape societies at the individual and institutional levels. This introductory course introduces you to key concepts and theories used in examination of and for understanding social action, social institutions, social structure and social change.
Starts: 3rd August
Duration: 4 weeks, 2-4hr/week

Attend - conferences

Australian Youth AOD Conference
This conference is for workers interested in the best possible care for young people experiencing drug and alcohol problems.  The conference theme this year is “A Powerful Future for a Radical Tradition”
When: 13-14th August
Where: Melbourne
Cost: $495 

16th International Mental Health Conference
This conference will bring together leading clinical practitioners, academics, service providers and mental health experts to deliberate and discuss Mental Health issues confronting Australia and New Zealand.
Topics include:
  • Early intervention and treatment advances
  • Recovery oriented practice e-Health, technology and social media
  • Suicide prevention and support Child, youth and family mental health promotion and services demands for an aging population
  • Targeted services for vulnerable groups Indigenous mental, social, emotional and environmental health LGBTI mental health promotion and resilience
  • Workplace health and wellbeing
  • Mental health in the custodial and forensic setting
  • Consumer and carer participation and opportunities
  • Offering hope: stories from the front line and lived experience
When: 12th-14th August
Where: Gold Coast
Cost: $975-$575, see website for details

Fifth Annual International Drug Abuse Research Society/Fourth Asian-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research Meeting
This conference will bring together basic scientist, clinical scientists and medical practitioners from the international community to present and discuss the latest findings on alcohol and other drug (AOD) use, other central nervous system (CNS)-acting drugs, the treatment of AOD use and other addictive disorders.
Conference themes include:
  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  • Treatment of drug addiction: methamphetamine, cannabis, opiates
  • Frontiers in addiction pharmacotherapy
  • The nature and diagnosis of addictive disorders
  • Anesthetics, inhalants and opiates
  • Epigenetics, omics and cocaine
  • Substituted amphetamine neurotoxicity
  • MDMA/ecstasy, GHB and designer drugs
  • Novel behavioural and pharmacological approaches to preventing drug-seeking and relapse
  • Novel neurobiological targets for the treatment of alcoholism
  • AOD use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Internet gaming and social media
  • The vulnerable brain
When: 18th-21st August
Where: Sydney
Cost: $700-$550, see website for details

Listen – podcasts, webinars

Foster families – podsocs
Foster families work the well-being of children in their care often with little recognition. In this podcast, Alyson Rees talks about her research with children and their foster families from a strengths perspective.
Duration: 35mins

The National Methamphetamine Symposium: Making Research Work in Practice
All presentations and slides are now available from NCETA’s methamphetamine symposium, which was held in May this year. Links to slides and YouTube clips are available here: