Write –
presentations and papers
International Mental Health Conference at
the Gold Coast
submissions are still open for the International Mental Health conferenceThe conference program will be designed to challenge, inspire, demonstrate and encourage participants while facilitating discussion. The program will include an extensive range of topics with keynotes, concurrent sessions, workshops and posters. Topics will include:
- Early intervention and treatment
- Recovery oriented practice
- e-Health, technology and social
- Suicide prevention and support
- Child, youth and family mental
health promotion and services
- Demands for an ageing population
- Targeted services for vulnerable
- Indigenous mental, social, emotional
and environmental health
- LGBTI mental health promotion and
- Workplace health and wellbeing
- Mental health in the custodial and
forensic setting
- Consumer and carer participation and
- Offering hope: stories from the
front line and lived experience
- Open topic
3rd NCPIC Conference in
are still taking abstract submissions for the 3rd NCPIC conference.There are specific instructions on the format and style of the abstract which can be found here:
Conference Scientific committee is calling for submissions on a range of issues
cannabis use and intervention
approaches particularly among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- cannabis use and mental health
- interventions for the prevention and
reduction of cannabis use
- treatment approaches for cannabis
use disorder
- the role of genetics in cannabis use
and dependence
- cannabis and driving
- toxicology and evidence-based
pharmacological applications of cannabinoids
- the relationship between cannabis,
tobacco and other drugs
- synthetic cannabinoids
- cannabis and comorbid mental health
Abstract submissions close 1st May, 2015
Read –
professional reading
Kelly JF, Wakeman SE, Saitz R. (2015). Stop talking “dirty”: clinicians, language,
and quality of care for the leading cause of preventable death in the United
States. The American journal of
medicine, 128(1), 8-9.
Van Den
Abbeele, J., Penton-Voak, I. S., Attwood, A. S., Stephen, I. D., & Munafò,
M. R. (2015). Increased facial
attractiveness following moderate, but not high, alcohol consumption. Alcohol and Alcoholism, agv010.
http://alcalc.oxfordjournals.org/content/alcalc/early/2015/02/25/alcalc.agv010.full.pdfThis article is included due to the high levels of media coverage
Posselt, M.,
Procter, N., Galletly, C., & Crespigny, C. (2015). Aetiology of coexisting mental health and alcohol and other drug
disorders: Perspectives of refugee youth and service providers. Australian Psychologist, 50(2), 130-140.
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ap.12096/epdfAccess for Healthy Options staff, volunteers and students provided by Healthy Options Library
F., Orsolini, L., Duccio Papanti, G., & Corkery, J. M. (2015). Novel psychoactive substances of interest
for psychiatry. World Psychiatry, 14(1), 15-26.
Attend –
informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series
Journal club (available to
Healthy Options workers only)
This internal professional development session is held both in the
library and on the Queensland teleconference line. April’s session is being presented by Monica
Reitano and Rebecca Sion of the Creating Options Program with the topic to be
confirmed. When: Wednesday, 15th April, 10am
Online course - Social Entrepreneurship
In this
course you will learn how to create societal impact through Social
Entrepreneurship (S-ENT). S-ENT describes the discovery and sustainable
exploitation of opportunities to create social change. We will introduce you to
S-ENT examples and guide you through the process of identifying an opportunity
to address social problems as well as outlining your idea in a business plan.Free online course, participants receive a verified certificate
Duration: 12 weeks
Time commitment: 4-6 hours/week
Enrol before: 7th April
Online course – eHealth Opportunities and
KIeHealthX will introduce students to the
field of eHealth and its opportunities and challenges. During the course you
will get to know the different concepts that are used in the field and learn
how it developed historically. This basic knowledge will help you to understand
the opportunities and challenges of the field. You will meet different
stakeholders from various countries and get to know their views on the
opportunities and challenges of eHealth. We will introduce you to eHealth
strategies and frameworks for developing and analyzing them. You will get to
know methods for eHealth service development and discuss basic requirements
that are necessary to achieve sustainable eHealth applications for both
clinical professionals and patients.Free online course with opportunity to earn an Honor Certificate.
Duration: 6 weeks
Time commitment: 6hr/week
Enrol before: 22nd April
Attend conferences
Grey matters conference
AdelaideNCETA are hosting this national conference on identifying, preventing and responding to alcohol and other drug problems among older Australians.
Date: 1st April, 2015
Listen –
podcasts, webinars
Duration: 45min
Fostering Professional Resilience: The
Professional Resilience Paradigm
In this episode, Ellen Fink-Samnick describes the core components, building blocks, and practical strategies associated with the Professional Resilence Paradigm. This framework provides an operationalized context and a specific set of behaviors that foster professional and personal growth as well as resilience for health and human services professionals.
Duration: 45mins
Developing therapeutic responses to
methamphetamine use and dependence. Presented
by Associate Professor at NCETA, Dr Nicole Lee
http://www.regen.org.au/iaod14Duration: 2hr 40min
webinars for April
Trauma, substance use and well-being in a
young population
John Kelly,
Allied Health Manager/Psychologist at Youth and Biala specialised clinical
service – Presentation of research that examined prevalence rates of trauma among
young people attending an AOD youth service in Brisbane, and examined the links
between trauma, patient characteristics, patterns of substance use and levels
of psychological well-beingDate: 1st April, 9am
The hidden harm: Alcohol’s impact on
children and families
Sarah Ward,
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education - This research, funded by FARE, examines
in detail the impact of alcohol’s harms from others on women, children and
families. These harms are often hidden, occurring in the home.
Date: 8th April, 9am
Demon weed or wonder drug? The science of
medicinal cannabis
McGregor, Prof of Pharmacology/NHMRC Principal Research Fellow School of
Psychology, University of Sydney. - Until recently, attitudes towards cannabis
have centred around possible links between cannabis use and schizophrenia, and
adverse effects on the adolescent brain. New understanding shows that cannabis
contains many cannabinoid molecules in addition to THC and that many
non-psychoactive cannabinoids have major potential health benefits. This talk
will explore the current state of play with medicinal cannabis at this exciting
time of major scientific advances and political change.Date: 15th April, 9am
An introduction to EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing)
Anthony Bligh Psychologist, Metro North Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Service. - EMDR therapy has demonstrated effectiveness for the treatment of PTSD. However, controversy exists as to whether the therapy is any different to CBT. It has also been suggest EMDR therapy may be effective in the treatment of substance use disorders. This presentation will outline the basic EMDR processes, model, and evidence for the therapy, and discuss the suggested applications to the treatment of substance use disorders.
Date: 22nd April, 9am
Functional Imagery Training: A new way to
support self-management of AOD issues
Professor David Kavanagh, School of
Psychology and Counselling, Queensland University of Technology. - Motivational
interviewing shows strong effects, but is largely used to engage people in AOD
treatment rather than teaching a skill for everyday use. Nor is it based on
recent cognitive research and theory. Functional Imagery Training addresses
these issues adopting an MI style to help people use vivid imagery to support
behaviour change in the natural environmentDate: 29th April, 9am