Wednesday, 19 August 2015

September PD activites

Find below some of the great PD opportunities available in September.  Comment or email the library if you have anything to add.
Read – professional reading

Queensland AIDS Council (2015). Many shades of blue: Enhancing service delivery to address the mental health needs of LGBTI populations

Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (2014) Managing methamphetamine dependence: interventions and beyond.  Special online edition of Drug and Alcohol Review

Roche, A., Pidd, K. and Kostadinov, V. (2015), Alcohol- and drug-related absenteeism: a costly problem. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
This month’s journal club will be presented by the CARER team.  Topic to be announced.
When: Thursday, 17th September, 2pm

Australian Winter School presentations
Missed Winter School 2015?  Not to worry; presentations are now available to download from their website.

Health Literacy and Communication for Health Professionals – online course
This inter-professional course will help educate a variety of health professionals about health literacy efforts and improved communication skills. It will require your active participation in creating health literate interactions at various organisational levels. This course will provide the opportunity to reinforce existing opportunities to work together as a multidisciplinary team or fill a gap if you haven’t had an opportunity to do so yet!
When: 13 September
Duration: 8 weeks, 3-6hr/wk

Attend - conferences

2015 NDARC Annual Research Symposium
The symposium examines the current issues and future solutions in regards to emerging problems in alcohol and drug use
When: 15th September
Where: Sydney, N.S.W.
Cost: $220+

3rd Population Health Congress
The theme for the 2015 congress is “One vision, many voices”. This theme will be explored and discussed through the following six sub themes:
  • Engagement and advocacy action
  • Research and knowledge transfer
  • Healthy places, healthy spaces
  • Grand challenges and wicked problems
  • Vulnerable populations
  • Advancing public health
When: 6th-9th September
Where: Hobart, Tas.
Cost: $350 - $1150, see website for details

Kornar Winmil Yunti - National Domestic & Aboriginal Family Violence Conference
Conference theme is “New and innovative ways to address early intervention, primary prevention and response.  The conference looks at child abuse prevention, domestic abuse prevention, and Aboriginal family violence prevention
When: 15th-16th September
Where: Adelaide, S.A.
Cost: $750

3rd Indigenous Social Work conference
The 3rd International Indigenous Social Work Conference (3IISWC) brings together Indigenous social workers from around the world to share solutions to issues that affect Indigenous peoples.
Featuring internationally renowned Indigenous leadership, this gathering will develop positive relationships and understanding between peoples, governments and community for the betterment of all through Indigenous well-being, productivity and immense socio-economic growth.   It is relevant to all Indigenous and non-Indigenous social workers and welfare workers. Allied health workers and others who work with Indigenous people through legislation, policy development and the implementation of services to communities should also attend.
When: 14th – 17th September
Where: Darwin, N.T.
Cost: $575 - $1195, see website for details

Listen – podcasts, webinars

Dovetail podcast - Harm reduction and ecstasy use
In this episode, Dovetail's own Cameron Francis talks about the harms of MDMA (ecstasy) and strategies that can reduce these harms.  This includes adulterant screening devices such as home pill testing kits, but also more formal adulterant screening programs such as those operating in the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe.  These programs are designed to identify highly dangerous substances such as PMA which have appeared recently around Australia and overseas.  Cameron also discusses the other acute harms of MDMA including overheating and dehydration and provides tips for workers who are engaging with young people who are currently using MDMA.

Supporting the Wellbeing of People Experiencing a Trauma Response
Available from the Mental Health Professional’s Network (MHPN), an interdisciplinary team discusses responding to clients with a trauma response using a case study.

Insight webinar series

It’s not a one-way street: AOD client engagement and participation
Presented by Ms Leisa Brandon, MNMH-ADS Client Participation and Engagement Project
(Project Gauge) and Ms Niki Parry QPAMS Coordinator - QuIHN; President - QuIVAA; President -
This presentation will focus on the importance of involving clients of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) services in active and meaningful participation and engagement activities. Niki and Leisa will provide an overview of the current research, legislative context, AOD specific barriers and benefits of client engagement and participation. Niki has worked in the community sector for many years and is an advocate for AOD client engagement. Leisa is employed as a Client Engagement and Participation Project Officer at Metro North Mental Health – Alcohol and Drug Services (MNMHADS) to review practice and focus on improving current AOD client engagement and participation.
Wednesday, 2nd September, 9am (EST)

Alcohol and drug harms, mental health and self-harm in the population: Ambulance data and timely, robust monitoring and responses
Presented by Dr Belinda Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow, Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre
Although AOD harms, mental health and self-harm are priority areas for development of effective policy and treatment, there is currently a lack of robust, timely data for monitoring these harms at a population level. This presentation will focus on the use of an internationally unique national monitoring system of acute overdose, self-harm and mental health-related ambulance presentations. This data is invaluable in identifying emerging patterns in AOD related harms and mental health and suicidal behaviour, including differences across subpopulations or geographic regions, and clustering within distinct time periods.
Wednesday, 9th September, 9am (EST)

The Weird and Wonderful World of Sleep
Presented by Dr Sandy Sacre, Associate Professor, Nurse Educator, Metro North Mental Health –
Alcohol and Drug Service
Sleep loss and sleep disorders are extremely common and cause an enormous public health burden in terms of direct and indirect health costs and lost productivity. Sleep disorders and their proper diagnosis and management are often poorly understood. This presentation will cover a wide range of sleep disorders to help clinicians better understand these problems when they encounter them in daily practice.
Wednesday, 16th September, 9am (EST)

Being Insane: A voice listener’s story
Presented by Mr Eddie Blacklock, RN BA MA Private Counselling Consultant
This presentation is a brief analysis of a recently published narrative based to raise public awareness about schizophrenia from a lived-in perspective; to demystify and de-stigmatise what it means to be diagnosed with schizophrenia; to raise public and professional awareness about the debilitating effects antipsychotic medications have on many patients and make transparent some routine process of an acute mental health unit.
Wednesday, 30th September, 9am (EST)