Friday, 31 May 2013

Staff and Volunteer interviews - Claire Gardner

Welcome to the first of our interview series where we talk to staff and volunteers about the resources they use and recommend.  First cab off the rank is Claire from the PRP team.  She even gives the future Resource Centre website a plug! Thanks Claire!

Name: Claire Gardner

Position & organisation: Policy, Research & Practice Manager, Drug Arm Australasia

Location: Brisbane

The resource (book, journal) that I use the most is… The Prevention of Substance Use, Risk and Harm in Australia*

Because… despite being a few years old it provides a comprehensive review of over 1000 pieces of international Prevention Literature  and considers the Australian perspective.

An online resource I think others should look at is….the soon to be redeveloped Resource Centre website

Because…. it will collate and feature the latest online resources and much more…

I wish I had more information on…The experiences of those working on innovative, practical and evidence informed prevention initiatives

On the weekend you can find me reading…Nothing but social media after a week of research and hours of audio books
*The book Claire is referring to is - Loxley, W. et al. (2004) The Prevention of Substance Use, Risk and Harm in Australia. and it's available for download in full or by chapter here:
Would you be keen to share some of the resources you find useful? Contact us and become the next willing interviewee!

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