Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A few moments for the anti-tobacco movement

Saturday was World No Tobacco Day, and on Friday the Prevention team and the library put together some displays and presentations on the topic.

One of the items we did was a timeline of the anti-tobacco movement.  I've recreated that timeline below.  It's not as pretty as the poster, which you can still see in the library, but it's still interesting AND has some relevant hyperlinks. 

Moments in the anti-tobacco movement

King James I of England imposes heavy tax on tobacco.  Says that smoking is a , “cutome loathesome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs…”
Sir Francis Bacon writes that tobacco use is increasing and that it is difficult to quit
Physician John Hill conducts one of the first clinical studies linking snuff with cancers of the nose

Anti-tobacco movement starts in US as an adjunct to the Temperance movement
A debate about the health effects of tobacco begins in the medical journal, The Lancet

UK parliament passes bill to mandate smoke-free carriages on trains

Dr I. Adler suggests strong connection between smoking and lung cancer

Researchers in Germany make statistical correlation between smoking and lung cancer

Nazi party engages in large scale public health campaign against smoking. Measures include—posters and advertisements of health dangers,  messages in workplaces, health education sessions, medical lectures on quitting, restriction on sales, and restrictions on the places people could smoke

43% increase on tax on cigarettes in the UK results in 14% drop in use by British men

First large-scale epidemiological study of the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.  Found 99.5% of 1,357 patients with lung cancer were smokers

Dr E L Wynder publishes landmark report suggesting biological link between smoking and cancer.  Research involved painting cigarette tar on the backs of mice.

Well publicised report by the Royal College of Physicians, “Smoking and Health”.  Recommendations include: the restriction of advertising, increased taxation, restrictions on smoking in public, and more information on tar and nicotine content

Director-General of the World Health Organisation presents report on “The Limitation of Smoking”.  Call for an end to cigarette advertising and promotion

Closer to home...

Direct radio and television advertising begins to be phased out in Australia. 
Health warnings on cigarette packs.
Cigarette advertising banned in locally produced newspapers and magazines.

Most forms of tobacco sponsorship phased out, except for international events

Billboards, outdoor and illuminated advertising banned

Laws passed removing sponsorship exemptions

Tobacco industry sponsorship completely phased out.  New graphic anti-smoking ads  go to air and on cigarette packages

Indoor smoking laws begin to be introduced

States start banning smoking in cars with children
Local councils move to make alfresco areas smoke-free

Smoking inside pubs and clubs banned in every state.  Tobacco excise increased by 25%

Australia first country to introduce plain packaging for all cigarettes













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