Tuesday, 25 October 2016

November PD

You can add to the professional development post by commenting below or emailing the library. 

Write – presentations and papers
The Australian and New Zealand Addiction Conference
Authors or organisations interested in submitting a paper or presenting a workshop are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation; or about their intended role in a workshop.
  • Navigating the service system: how do we get the service system to meet the needs of the client.
  • Training and Support of AOD Workers: this looks at the development of people working within the sector including the supervision of support staff. It also focuses on providing support for staff who identify as lived experience.
  • Focus on issues within rural and remote communities – this involves multiple areas: Access to treatments; Continuity of service; Support needs; Workforce training; Treatment planning and strategies
  • Cultural safety and sensitivity when working with specific population groups eg ATSI communities; maori; islander; multicultural; LGBTI; refugees etc
  • Emerging trends of addiction eg internet, sex, video gaming, steroids, prescription medicines etc and innovative solutions in treatment services including public versus private responses and the role of physical help in the recovery process.
  • Trauma informed services: working with people on their addiction treatment and recovery program who are experiencing or have experienced trauma – helping them to feel safe.
  • The lived experienced and their supporters: this topic covers self-help options; support mechanisms and systems for family and friends; early intervention models; co-dependency; the multi-systemic system; intervention and support for families; addressing co-dependency in family systems. 
Submissions close: 6th February
Read – professional reading
Smirnov, A., Kemp, R., Ward, J., Henderson, S., Williams, S., Dev, A., and Najman, J. M. (2016) Patterns of drug dependence in a Queensland (Australia) sample of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who inject drugs. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35: 611–619. doi: 10.1111/dar.12392
Rash, C. J., Stitzer, M., & Weinstock, J. (2016). Contingency management: New directions and remaining challenges for an evidence-based intervention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 
Tracy, K., & Wallace, S. P. (2016). Benefits of peer support groups in the treatment of addiction. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 7, 143–154. http://doi.org/10.2147/SAR.S81535 
Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series
Meth Check
Developed by Insight, Meth Check is a package of free tools and resources designed for health and community service workers who engage with people who use methamphetamine. Although developed specifically for Queensland workers, the materials are applicable to most regions.
The package includes:
Introduction to methamphetamine;
Medical interventions;
Ultra-brief interventions;
Harm reduction materials;
and Factsheets for families
Ice: Training for Frontline Workers
Module 7 for NCETA’s training has been uploaded. The module looks at organisational responses to Ice use.
Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
Internal professional development session held in the Annerley boardroom and via Skype meeting.
October’s journal club will be presented by SA team
Date: TBC
Attend - conferences
Australasian Sexual Health Conference/Australasian HIV and AIDS Conference
The annual conference is run by ASHM as a platform for the dissemination and presentation of new and innovative research findings across the Australasian HIV sector. The conference aims to strengthen bonds between specialists, GPs, nurses, researchers and other key contributors to the sexual health sector, through collaboration in sexual health education, policy-making and research. The conference encourages all disciplines involved in sexual health medicine and sexual health promotion to come together and share experiences, new research and discuss national and local responses to sexual health in Australasia.
When: 16-18th November
Where: Adelaide, SA
See website for registration fees
Listen – podcasts, webinars

MindOUT! Webinar
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention for LGBTIQ People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds, presented by Dr Tony Mordini
When: 8th Nov, 1-2pm (AEDT)
Insight Webinars - Wednesdays 10am (AEST)
Working with High-Risk Families: The Parents Under Pressure Program
Prof. Sharon Dawe School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University
The Parents Under Pressure (PUP) program is focused on improving the quality of the caregiving relationship between parents and children. The program has been undergoing evaluation in the UK and this seminar provides preliminary data on two studies. Both studies present encouraging results and also raise important issues about the utility of intensive parenting programs conducted in the real world.
When: 2nd November
The Lowdown on AOD Apps and Websites
 Assoc. Prof. Leanne Hides Deputy Director, Centre for Youth Substance Abuse (CYSAR), Queensland University of Technology
eHealth has the potential to increase access to AOD treatment as well as enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of current treatments. This seminar will review the key features and evidence base for current AOD apps and websites, as well as discuss models for how they can be implemented into routine clinical practice.
When: 9th November
Understanding Treatment for Personality Disorders
Nathan Pasieczny Team Leader, Mood Academic Clinical Unit, Metro South Addictions and Mental Health Service
Given the variable levels of severity and functioning, high comorbidity rates and variety of treatment options available for clients / patients with personality disorders, effective formulation and treatment planning remains complex. Nathan is a specialist in dialectical behaviour therapy and will discuss progress on the understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder over the last five years.
When: 16th November
The Emperor’s New Clothes
Dr Jeremy Hayllar Clinical Director, Metro North Mental Health – Alcohol & Drug Service
Dr Hayllar concludes the semester with a review of fine cloth and bespoke tailoring in the field of alcohol and drugs. This talk is guaranteed to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the latest information and research in the field – as well as your appearance
When: 23rd November 
In Social Work Podcast: Multisystemic Therapy: A Strengths-Based, Collaborative Approach for Working with Negative Adolescent Behaviours
 Anyone working with the disruptive behaviours of a challenging adolescent understands just how difficult that work can be. When these problematic behaviours are present, successful resolution may require involvement from several of a child's networks. Multisystemic therapy (MST) is an intensive intervention that works with the adolescent and their family, while also engaging the other important systems in the child's life. In this episode, Dr. Steven Halady, Erin DeWolfe, and Jessica Bonczar describe what MST is and how its ecological foundation informs and directs its application.
 Duration: 42min

Friday, 23 September 2016

October PD opportunities

A list of some of the professional development opportunities available in October

Write – presentations and papers

8th Australasian Drug and Alcohol Strategy Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2-5 May 2017.
Call for Abstracts
The overall theme of ADASC 2017 is Influencing Attitudes - how can thinking and behaviour towards alcohol and drug use be changed?
Both the Australian and New Zealand national drug policies recognise the critical importance of building partnerships between health and law enforcement sectors and engaging all levels and parts of government and non-government sectors and the community.
ADASC 2017 seeks to strengthen the partnerships between law enforcement, health practitioners, academics and policy makers at a local, national and international level; bringing people together to examine, review, assess, share and learn from each other.
Submission due: 7 October

Read – professional reading

Nathan, S., Rawstorne, P., Hayen, A., Bryant, J., Baldry, E., Ferry, M., ... & Jayasinha, R. (2016). Examining the pathways for young people with drug and alcohol dependence: a mixed-method design to examine the role of a treatment programme. BMJ open, 6(5), e010824.

Lee, K. K., Dawson, A. J., & Conigrave, K. M. (2016). Insights into the effective management of support groups for Aboriginal Australian women with substance use disorders. Society, Health & Vulnerability, 7.

Degenhardt, L., Sara, G., McKetin, R., Roxburgh, A., Dobbins, T., Farrell, M., ... & Hall, W. D. (2016). Crystalline methamphetamine use and methamphetamine‐related harms in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review.

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
Internal professional development session held in the Annerley boardroom and via Skype meeting.
October’s journal club will be presented by DAAR Brisbane.
The article we’ll be looking at is:
Femke T.A. Buisman-Pijlman, Nicole M. Sumracki, Jake J. Gordon, Philip R. Hull, C. Sue Carter, Mattie Tops. Individual differences underlying susceptibility to addiction: Role for the endogenous oxytocin systemPharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2014; 119: 22  DOI:10.1016/j.pbb.2013.09.005
Date: 10th October, 12.30pm AEST

Attend - conferences

Mental Health Super Summit
Over 18 days from Thursday 6th October until Sunday 23rd October 2016, Australia’s leading mental health professional development provider in collaboration with the Act for Kids charity is hosting the 2016 Mental Health Super Summit.   The Summit will be delivered via 20 live webinar sessions from Thursday 6th October to Sunday 9th October, and will continue as an on-demand event (i.e. you can watch recorded versions of the live sessions) until Sunday 23rd October.
Date: 6th – 23rd October
Cost: You decide what to pay from as little as $50

Listen – podcasts, webinars

Dovetail Video: Universal Harm Reduction Advice
Harm reduction is a key underlying principle of working with young people who use alcohol and other drugs. While there are a range of substance specific harm reduction practices, there are also a number of standard pieces of harm reduction advice that is relevant for any young person, regardless of the substance they might be using.
This video highlights some key principles of providing good harm reduction advice, and some examples of harm reduction advice in practice

Duration – 5mins
The Science of Social Work
In this episode, Dr. Jeane Anastas and Dr. Cynthia Franklin discuss how the Social Work profession attempts to integrate practice and research. Framing the profession's commitment to evidence-based practice as an ethical and accountability issue, these long-term practitioners and academics look back and then forward at Social Work's response to the science of social work practice. Our guests comment on the factors that complicate practitioners' adoption of evidence-based practices, discuss the struggle for those in the trenches of practice, and acknowledge the professional dynamics that limit social work research and who gets to initiate the questions.
Duration – 40mins

MindOUT Webinar: LGBTI People Alcohol and Drugs, and Mental Health
LGBTI people have specific experiences when it comes to alcohol and drug use and mental health.  This webinar will discuss the prevalence of alcohol and drug use amongst LGBTI communities and the vulnerabilities and risk factors leading to problematic use. This webinar will look closely at methamphetamine use among men who have sex with other men and the work VAC is doing to support these communities.

Insight Webinars, Wednesdays, 10am AEST

Working with HIV in Queensland
Chris Howard, Life+ Program Manager, Queensland Positive People.
Queensland Positive People (QPP) is a peer-based advocacy organisation committed to promoting self-determination and empowerment for all people living with HIV (PLHIV) throughout Queensland. This seminar will provide a brief history of QPP and an outline of the service’s components followed by an overview of current global and local epidemiology of HIV, treatment as prevention and efforts to support attainment of UN targets.
Date: 5th October

Emergency Department Frequent Presenter Response Project
Debra Harcourt’ Senior Project Officer, Patient Flow Unit, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Frequent attendance at hospital emergency departments may be highlighting a failure to effectively link patients with a range of supports. The ED Frequent Presenters Response Project is assessing which patients are more likely to present for treatment on more than five occasions in a month, with the aim of reducing repeated ED presentations in the future.
Date: 12 October

Understanding Domestic Violence Within the Context of AOD
Dr Deborah Walsh, School of Social Work & Human Services, The University of Queensland
This session will explore the diverse presentations of domestic violence in practice linking this to the problematic definitions that are frequently associated with this issue. The presentation will also discuss why victims stay with violent partners and explore practice opportunities when working with victims and perpetrators.
Date: 19 October

PTSD. Are We Missing It?
Jason Monk, Psychologist, Clinical Improvement Coordinator, Queensland Health
Can we miss seeing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and is it more prevalent than we think? Jason has worked in Mental Health in Bundaberg and Brisbane and has a particular interest PTSD. This presentation looks at how PTSD might occur and develop, what we should be looking for, and what can be done to treat and support people who present with symptoms.
Date: 25 October

Friday, 2 September 2016

September PD opportunities

Write – presentations and papers
8th Australasian Drug and Alcohol Strategy Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2-5 May 2017.
Call for Abstracts
The overall theme of ADASC 2017 is Influencing Attitudes - how can thinking and behaviour towards alcohol and drug use be changed?
Both the Australian and New Zealand national drug policies recognise the critical importance of building partnerships between health and law enforcement sectors and engaging all levels and parts of government and non-government sectors and the community.
ADASC 2017 seeks to strengthen the partnerships between law enforcement, health practitioners, academics and policy makers at a local, national and international level; bringing people together to examine, review, assess, share and learn from each other.

Read – professional reading
Shakeshaft, A. (June 2016) Improving substance abuse treatment outcomes for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in rural, community-based health settings
Evidence shows that rural/regional Australians experience disproportionately high rates of substance abuse, and that it is strongly associated with serious physical and mental health harms. To address these issues, we identified the Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA), a version of cognitive-behaviour therapy, adapted to optimise its relevance and acceptability to Indigenous Australians.

Sheals, K., Tombor, I., McNeill, A., and Shahab, L. (2016) A mixed-method systematic review and meta-analysis of mental health professionals' attitudes toward smoking and smoking cessation among people with mental illnesses. Addiction, 111: 15361553. doi: 10.1111/add.13387.
People with mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders are important targets for smoking cessation interventions. Mental health professionals (MHPs) are ideally placed to deliver interventions, but their attitudes may prevent this. This systematic review therefore aimed to identify and estimate quantitatively MHPs attitudes towards smoking and main barriers for providing smoking cessation support and to explore these attitudes in-depth through qualitative synthesis. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/add.13387/full

Salom, C. L., Kelly, A. B., Alati, R., Williams, G. M., Patton, G. C., and Williams, J. W. (2016) Individual, school-related and family characteristics distinguish co-occurrence of drinking and depressive symptoms in very young adolescents. Drug Alcohol Rev, 35: 387396. doi: 10.1111/dar.12303.
Alcohol misuse and depressed mood are common during early adolescence, and comorbidity of these conditions in adulthood is associated with poorer health and social outcomes, yet little research has examined the co-occurrence of these problems at early adolescence. This study assessed risky and protective characteristics of pre-teens with concurrent depressed mood/early alcohol use in a large school-based sample. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dar.12303/full

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series
Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
Internal professional development session held in the Annerley boardroom and via Skype meeting.
September’s journal club will be presented by the SA team.
Date: TBC

Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change
In this social science course, you will learn how social workers in the United States engage in creating change and supporting the resilience of individuals, families and communities in this new era.
 Learners will have an opportunity to explore the social worker profession, the different roles of social workers in a range of settings, the cross cutting themes that guide social work practice, the history of social work, and current challenges.
 Using a social justice lens, learners will reflect on current challenges facing the lives of individuals, families and communities and examine ways to advocate for needed changes. Duration: 5 weeks, 2-3hr/wk
Starts: 5th September
Attend – conferences
4th National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Conference
The Conference will highlight the contributing role that harmful alcohol and other drugs use has on the health and life expectancy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the interventions that are required to close the life equality gap that exists.
Dates: 11/10/2016-14/10/2016
Cost: $825 for the 3 days
Location, Stamford Hotel, Adelaide

Listen – podcasts, webinars
Dovetail Insight webinars
Free every Wednesday from 10am-11am.

AOD sector update and launch of ‘meth check’
Jeff Buckley, Director, Statewide Clinical Support Services
Jeff will provide an overview of the latest AOD policy and sector developments followed by the launch of a new suite of statewide methamphetamine clinical tools and resources called ‘Meth-Check’. This package includes clinical decision making flowcharts, an ultra-brief intervention tool, harm reduction resources and a free self-paced e-learning package
Date: 7th September

Benzodiazepines. All the latest from home and abroad.
Dr Finn will be providing an overview of the latest information and research about benzodiazepines and their place in, or, perhaps out, of treatment. The presentation will include findings from across Europe as well local practice initiatives here in Queensland. No broadcasts on 21st and 28th September due to school holidays.
Date: 14th September

Assessed learning – short courses, certificates, diplomas, bachelors, post-grad
Assessment of clients
Assessment of clients depends on the gathering of useful information so that suitable services can be identified. The information comes from a range of sources, both formal and informal
Venue: Online
Cost: $130 ACWA_CCWT members, $150 non-members
Other online courses can be accessed via their website: https://www.aasw.asn.au/events/category/all-events

Monday, 29 August 2016

International Overdose Awareness Day

International Overdose Awareness Day is approaching on Wednesday 31st August

IOD is a global event held each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce stigma of drug related death.  It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have met with death or permanent injury as a result of drug overdose.

IOD aims to spread the message that the tragedy of overdose death is preventable.

Wear some Silver to show your support.

The IOD website has some excellent resources available for your information and for use with clients including:
  • Overdose basics – including general stats and information on depressant, stimulant and alcohol overdose
  • Printable factsheets on how overdose presents and how to respond to suspected overdose
                Fact Sheet – Alcohol
                Fact Sheet – Depressants
                Fact Sheet – Opioids
                Fact Sheet – Psychoactive Substances
                Fact Sheet – Stimulants
                Fact Sheet – Crystal Methamphetamine
  • Access to the Overdose Aware app

You can also find out about the events taking place in your city here


* In an emergency go to the nearest hospital Emergency Department or call an Ambulance (dial 000)

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

August PD post

Some of the professional development opportunities available in July.  Comment below or email the library if you would like to add anything.

Write – presentations and papers

Australian Long-term Unemployment Conference

Authors or organisations interested in submitting a paper or poster at the 3rd Australian Long-Term Unemployment Conference are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation.

All proposals will be reviewed by the program committee. Presentations will be selected to provide a program that offers a comprehensive and diverse treatment of issues related to the conference theme. Authors will be notified by e-mail of the outcome of their abstract submission.

Submissions close: 11th August


Read – professional reading
NDARC, NDRI & NCETA (June 2016) Alcohol and Drug Research Connections http://www.connections.edu.au/


Walker, K. (2016) The role of alcohol as men desist from physical intimate partner violence. Drug and Alcohol Review, doi: 10.1111/dar.12445.


Johnstone, E., Brough, M., Crane, P., Marston, G., & Correa-Velez, I. (2016). Field Placement and the Impact of Financial Stress on Social Work and Human Service Students. Australian Social Work, 1-14. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0312407X.2016.1181769


Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)

Internal professional development session held in the Annerley boardroom and via Skype meeting.

August’s journal club will be presented by the NSW team.

Date: 22nd July, 12.30pm AEST


Project Gauge – Online modules

This introductory resource has been developed to introduce services to moving beyond individual engagement in consumer consultation and engagement.  There are 5 online modules:

- What is client engagement and participation in the alcohol and other drugs sector?

- Overcoming barriers to engagement and participation in the AOD sector

- Solid ground – feedback and suggestion boxes

- Focus groups

- AOD client advisory groups and representative roles

Duration: 10-15 minutes each


Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change

Free online course offered by University of Michigan. Learn the values, techniques, and themes social workers use to help others as well as strategies for addressing social justice challenges. 

Duration: 5 weeks, 2-3hr/wk

Start date: 6th September


Buddhism and modern psychology

Free online course from Princeton University.  This course will examine how Buddhism is faring under scrutiny from psychologists and neuroscientists. Are neuroscientists starting to understand how meditation “works”? Would such an understanding validate meditation—or might physical explanations of meditation undermine the spiritual significance attributed to it? And how are some of the basic Buddhist claims about the human mind holding up? We’ll pay special attention to some highly counterintuitive doctrines: that the self doesn’t exist, and that much of perceived reality is in some sense illusory. Do these claims, radical as they sound, make a certain kind of sense in light of modern psychology? And what are the implications of all this for how we should live our lives? Can meditation make us not just happier, but better people?

Start date: Self-paced

Duration: 5 weeks, 2-5hr/week


Listen – podcasts, webinars

Culturally Reflective Casework Practice Podcast

The Culturally Reflective Casework Practice podcast series focuses on a practice model that supports practitioners in working with culturally diverse clients and families. Guest speaker, Janet Irvine, discusses the needs and challenges that can impact on clients from CALD backgrounds, and identifies ways in which organisations & practitioners can adapt Reflective Practice in their casework.

Duration: 5-20 minutes


Invisibilia podcast

Season 2 of the Invisibilia podcast has just begun.  This season includes seven one-hour podcasts on the invisible forces that shape human behaviour including ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions.  Episodes are released each Friday and the first one for this season is “Flip the Script: what happens in situations where someone flips the script – does the opposite of what their natural instinct is – and in this way, transforms a situation.”

Duration: 1hr/episode

Friday, 1 July 2016

July PD and toolkit additions

Some of the professional development opportunities available in July.  Comment below or email the library if you would like to add anything.

Toolkit additions

Dovetail’s Working with Families and Significant Others

The newest addition to Dovetail’s excellent “Youth alcohol and drug good practice guide” series

From Dovetail, “This guide aims to outline a broad range of approaches and strategies that could be a part of a family responsive approach to working with young people, and to address some of the specific barriers to implementing this approach in practice.”


Establishing the Connection: Guidelines for the practitioners and clinicians in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug sectors

These guidelines have been developed to build the capacity of workers in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug (AOD) sectors in Victoria to support shared clients who experience both sexual assault trauma and substance use issues.


Write – presentations and papers

Australian Long-term Unemployment Conference

Authors or organisations interested in submitting a paper or poster at the 3rd Australian Long-Term Unemployment Conference are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation.

All proposals will be reviewed by the program committee. Presentations will be selected to provide a program that offers a comprehensive and diverse treatment of issues related to the conference theme. Authors will be notified by e-mail of the outcome of their abstract submission.

Submissions close: 11th August


Read – professional reading

Jääskeläinen, M., Holmila, M., Notkola, I. -L., and Raitasalo, K. (2016) Mental disorders and harmful substance use in children of substance abusing parents: A longitudinal register-based study on a complete birth cohort born in 1991. Drug and Alcohol Review


Kilcullen, M., Swinbourne, A. and Cadet-James, Y. (2016), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Well-Being: Implications for a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Framework. Australian Psychologist.


Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)

Internal professional development session held in the Annerley boardroom and via Skype meeting.

July’s journal club will be presented by the CAFSS Qld team.

Date: 22nd July, 12.30pm AEST


COPMI e-learning courses

The Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) national initiative offer interactive eLearning courses to professionals in mental health and allied health areas who are in key positions where they can assist parents who have a mental illness, their children and families.  Courses are free, online and self-paced  

Courses include:

Child Aware practice: This introductory course encourages professionals to understand and talk with parents about the impact of adult problems on children and the role of parents in supporting the safety, wellbeing and development of children. These things should be considered in all service settings - whether you're working with adults, children or families.

Keeping families and children in mind: An introductory course supports learners to understand the impact of parental mental illness on the family unit and to recognise the benefits of a family-sensitive approach to working with families where a parent has a mental illness.

Supporting infants and toddlers: This introductory course helps participants to understand the impact of mental illness on the family through the antenatal period. It assists the learner to grasp attachment and principles of sensitive communication with parents regarding the needs of their children.

Let’s talk about children: Provides training in a brief, evidence-based method that is designed to support mental health professionals to talk with parents who experience mental illness about parenting and their child’s needs.

Family focus: Provides training in an evidence-based family intervention designed to promote family communication and problem solving around the experience of parental mental illness.

Child Aware supervision: Extends the 'Child Aware practice' course and provides training for team leaders and supervisors in strategies that they can apply to promote child and family-sensitive practices in their service.

Duration: 90mins – 3hr/course


Listen – podcasts, webinars

Early intervention and support for people who experience workplace bullying - Webinar

Mental Health Professionals’ Network presents this webinar on how collaborative mental health care and early intervention may help support people who are experiencing bullying in the workplace.

When: 7.15-8.30pm, 27th July (Registration before the 26th)

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

June PD opportunities

Some of the professional development opportunities available in June.  Comment below or email the library if you would like to add anything.

Read – professional reading

Wilson, I. M., Graham, K., and Taft, A. (2016) Living the cycle of drinking and violence: A qualitative study of women's experience of alcohol-related intimate partner violence. Drug and Alcohol Review, doi: 10.1111/dar.12405.


Weinberg, M. K., Noble, J. M. and Hammond, T. G. (2016), Sleep well feel well: An investigation into the protective value of sleep quality on subjective well-being. Australian Jnl of Psychology, 68: 91–97. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ajpy.12098/abstract?campaign=woletoc


Lemon, G., Stanford, S., & Sawyer, A. M. (2016). Trust and the Dilemmas of Suicide Risk Assessment in Non-government Mental Health Services. Australian Social Work, 69(2), 145-157.


Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Intellectual disability mental health e-Learning

Five new modules have been added to the IDMH e-Learning platform. 

New modules include:

  • Module 9: Equality in mental health care – a guide for clinicians
  • Module 10: Consent, decision-making and privacy – a guide for clinicians
  • Module 11: Challenging behaviour – Introduction
  • Module 12: Challenging behaviour – Assessment
  • Module 13: Challenging behaviour – Management

IDMH e-learning is a way to enhance your knowledge and skills relating to mental disorders and people with an intellectual disability.  You will be required to sign up for an account to access the modules.  All modules are self-paced


Introduction to health and wellness – online course

This course focuses on the latest trends in health, nutrition, physical activity, and wellness. From stress management and sleep to overall wellbeing, explore personal health, health related attitudes and beliefs, and individual health behaviours.

Learning outcomes:

  • The role of health, nutrition, physical activity, and wellness in your daily life
  • An understanding of how psychological and emotional health are connected to our overall wellbeing and health
  • How to identify personal health risks based upon current lifestyle choices
  • How to identify lifestyle changes that will enhance lifelong health
  • How to evaluate the evidence to support healthy behaviours and lifestyles

When: Starts 6th June

Duration: 8 weeks, 18hr/week


Listen – podcasts, webinars

Starlady: Supporting LGBTI Communities in Rural, Regional and Remote areas – Webinar

Part of the webinar series delivered by MindOUT! Visit their website for more details closer to the date.

Date: 14th June


Leveraging Mobile Technology to Build Concurrent Addiction Recovery Monitoring and Relapse Prevention Capacity – Webinar

Hosted by Turning Point and presented by Christopher R. Wilkins, Sr., MHA, this seminar aims to equip attendees with knowledge about current trends in health service delivery systems and in proliferation of mobile health technology, to understand how current addiction treatment models compare to those movements, and to understand the ACHESS mobile recovery support application and its proliferation/uses.  This session will be available online.

When: Thursday 16th June 2016
Time:   3:30pm – 5:00pm AEST


Insight webinar - Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorders (SIPD)

Presented by Assoc. Prof Leanne Hides Deputy Director - Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research (CYSAR), QUT.  Substance-induced psychotic disorders (SIPD) are an under-recognised disorder that occurs in 30-50% of individuals presenting to mental health and alcohol and other drug (AOD) services. This presentation will review the research evidence for SIPD and discuss the

clinical implications for identifying and treating SIPD in mental health and AOD settings.

When: Wednesday, 1st June, 10 – 11am AEST


Working together to support people who deliberately self-harm – MHPN webinar

Hear an interdisciplinary panel's perspective on how to best support people who deliberately self-harm.

When: 20th June, 7.15-8.30pm AEST