Friday, 1 July 2016

July PD and toolkit additions

Some of the professional development opportunities available in July.  Comment below or email the library if you would like to add anything.

Toolkit additions

Dovetail’s Working with Families and Significant Others

The newest addition to Dovetail’s excellent “Youth alcohol and drug good practice guide” series

From Dovetail, “This guide aims to outline a broad range of approaches and strategies that could be a part of a family responsive approach to working with young people, and to address some of the specific barriers to implementing this approach in practice.”


Establishing the Connection: Guidelines for the practitioners and clinicians in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug sectors

These guidelines have been developed to build the capacity of workers in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug (AOD) sectors in Victoria to support shared clients who experience both sexual assault trauma and substance use issues.


Write – presentations and papers

Australian Long-term Unemployment Conference

Authors or organisations interested in submitting a paper or poster at the 3rd Australian Long-Term Unemployment Conference are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation.

All proposals will be reviewed by the program committee. Presentations will be selected to provide a program that offers a comprehensive and diverse treatment of issues related to the conference theme. Authors will be notified by e-mail of the outcome of their abstract submission.

Submissions close: 11th August


Read – professional reading

Jääskeläinen, M., Holmila, M., Notkola, I. -L., and Raitasalo, K. (2016) Mental disorders and harmful substance use in children of substance abusing parents: A longitudinal register-based study on a complete birth cohort born in 1991. Drug and Alcohol Review


Kilcullen, M., Swinbourne, A. and Cadet-James, Y. (2016), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Well-Being: Implications for a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Framework. Australian Psychologist.


Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)

Internal professional development session held in the Annerley boardroom and via Skype meeting.

July’s journal club will be presented by the CAFSS Qld team.

Date: 22nd July, 12.30pm AEST


COPMI e-learning courses

The Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) national initiative offer interactive eLearning courses to professionals in mental health and allied health areas who are in key positions where they can assist parents who have a mental illness, their children and families.  Courses are free, online and self-paced  

Courses include:

Child Aware practice: This introductory course encourages professionals to understand and talk with parents about the impact of adult problems on children and the role of parents in supporting the safety, wellbeing and development of children. These things should be considered in all service settings - whether you're working with adults, children or families.

Keeping families and children in mind: An introductory course supports learners to understand the impact of parental mental illness on the family unit and to recognise the benefits of a family-sensitive approach to working with families where a parent has a mental illness.

Supporting infants and toddlers: This introductory course helps participants to understand the impact of mental illness on the family through the antenatal period. It assists the learner to grasp attachment and principles of sensitive communication with parents regarding the needs of their children.

Let’s talk about children: Provides training in a brief, evidence-based method that is designed to support mental health professionals to talk with parents who experience mental illness about parenting and their child’s needs.

Family focus: Provides training in an evidence-based family intervention designed to promote family communication and problem solving around the experience of parental mental illness.

Child Aware supervision: Extends the 'Child Aware practice' course and provides training for team leaders and supervisors in strategies that they can apply to promote child and family-sensitive practices in their service.

Duration: 90mins – 3hr/course


Listen – podcasts, webinars

Early intervention and support for people who experience workplace bullying - Webinar

Mental Health Professionals’ Network presents this webinar on how collaborative mental health care and early intervention may help support people who are experiencing bullying in the workplace.

When: 7.15-8.30pm, 27th July (Registration before the 26th)

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