Friday, 15 April 2016

May PD Opportunities

Some of the professional development opportunities available in May

Read – professional reading

Wray, T. B., et al. (2016) Systematic review of interventions to reduce problematic alcohol use in men who have sex with men. Drug Alcohol Rev, 35: 148–157.
doi: 10.1111/dar.12271.

Arjunan, P., Poder, N., Welsh, K., Bellear, L., Heathcote, J., Wright, D., ... & Wen, L. M. (2015). Smoking among Aboriginal adults in Sydney, Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Wilkinson, C., Allsop, S., and Dare, J. (2016) Alcohol, ageing and Australia. Drug Alcohol Rev, 35: 232–235.
doi: 10.1111/dar.12301.

Attend – informal learning sessions, journal club, seminar series

Journal club (available to Healthy Options workers only)
Internal professional development session held in the Annerley boardroom and via Skype meeting.
February’s journal club will be presented by the Creating Options team.
Date: 24th May, 12.30pm AEST

Evaluating Social Programs
Learn why evaluations matter and how they can be used to rigorously measure the social impact of development programs. This practical course will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations, with pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation. Through a combination of lectures and case studies from real randomized evaluations, the course will focus on the benefits and methods of randomization, choosing an appropriate sample size, and common threats and pitfalls to the validity of an experiment. While the course is centered around the why, how, and when of randomized evaluations, it will also impart insights on the importance of a needs assessment, measuring outcomes effectively, quality control, and monitoring methods that are useful for all kinds of evaluations. 
When: 2nd May         
Duration: 5 weeks, 4hr/week!

Attend - conferences

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference
This inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference gathers together experts and members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the wider community from across the country to Alice Springs, the heart of the Aboriginal nations.  Over two days those gathered will exchange learnings, share lived experiences, build knowledge and inspire one another as to how we can best strengthen communities to tackle this entrenched tragedy.
When: 5 – 6 May 2016
Time: Welcome Reception - Wednesday 4 May 2016 5:00pm – Friday 6 May 2016 4:30pm
Where: Alice Springs Convention Centre, Alice Springs NT
Cost: $770

Australian and New Zealand Addiction Conference
The Conference, hosted by the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association, will include workshops, presentations and forums dedicated to sharing skills and understanding in the treatment of all addictive disorders, including alcohol and other drugs, behavioural addictions, and the emerging field of online compulsive behaviour in both adults and children.
When: 19-20th May
Where: Gold Coast
Cost: $475 - $975.  See website for details

2016 National Hepatitis Health Promotion Conference
The conference will explore the future health promotion response to viral hepatitis in Australia and look at how the sector workforce can maximise engagement and support people affected by viral hepatitis.  The primary aim of the National Hepatitis Health Promotion Conference is to support the community-based viral hepatitis sector workforce to increase their knowledge and skills in order to effectively reach and engage with identified priority populations, and to plan, implement and evaluate successful viral hepatitis health promotion projects.
When: 19th – 20th May
Where: Melbourne
Cost: $250

Listen – podcasts, webinars

MindOUT! Webinar
This series of webinars critically engages participants on topics of LGBTI+ mental health and suicide prevention.  Topic for May is to be announced.  In the meantime, catch-up on the seminars held earlier this year
When: 10th May

Insight Webinars
Wednesdays at 10am

Mass Media for Preventing Illicit Drug Use
Cameron Francis Social Worker, Dovetail 
Have you met Stoner Sloth?  Seen Faces of Meth?  Lost your standards?  This talk will focus on the effectiveness of mass media campaigns for preventing illicit drug use by providing an overview of the research and some of the potential harms they cause.  The presentation will conclude by providing an overview of ‘what really works’ in preventing illicit substance use.
When: 4th May

Hep C: Opportunities and Challenges for Treatment 
Dr Paul Clark Staff Gastroenterologist, P.A. Hospital 
Dr Paul Clark is a hepatologist providing in- and outpatient care for patients with liver disease.  In this presentation Dr Clark will provide an update on the rollout of daclatasvir and sofosbuvir regimens for Hep C including practical information and advice for AOD practitioners on how to best assess, communicate, advocate and plan for clients’ access to this new treatment.
When: 11th May

Managing Persistent Pain 
Joyce McSwan Persistent Pain Program Manager / Clinical Pharmacist Gold Coast Primary Health Network 
This presentation will provide an update on how collaborative partnerships with primary healthcare professionals can significantly improve patient outcomes in relation to persistent pain management.  The session will also explore some case studies to demonstrate practical information on how to best assess, support and navigate a client’s persistent pain condition with the focus of achieving sustainable care.
When: 18th May

Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorders (SIPD) 
Assoc. Prof Leanne Hides Deputy Director - Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research (CYSAR), QUT 
Substance-induced psychotic disorders (SIPD) are an under-recognised disorder that occurs in 30-50% of individuals presenting to mental health and alcohol and other drug (AOD) services.   This presentation will review the research evidence for SIPD and discuss the clinical implications for identifying and treating SIPD in mental health and AOD settings
When: 25th May

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