This month's journal club article was:
Nagel, T., Hinton, R., & Griffin, C. (2012). Yarning about Indigenous
mental health: Translation of a recovery paradigm to practice. Advances in
Mental Health, 10(3), pp. 216-223
The following points were recorded by Sarah in the journal club session (thanks Sarah!):
A quote from the article that resonated with
the participants was “Holistic care planning that address other dimensions of
life is important, but additional emphasis on culture and the strength of
cultural identity, family and kinship, language and country is needed for
Indigenous peoples” (p. 221).
The challenges that Indigenous workers and
service providers face – the institutional racism – that can go both ways. For
example, some Indigenous people may not want to visit a hospital for a check-up
because in the past it has been perceived as the place where people go to die.
Or upper management may hold the belief that the past is the past and shouldn’t
be discussed.
The brief therapy the article highlighted –
Motivational Care Planning (MCP) – was another point of discussion. The
combination of some of the best bits of different therapies – like MI, positive
psychology, problem solving therapy and solution focused therapy – was of
interest and the possible synergies with current best practice for dual
diagnosis that is core business for the organisation was discussed.
One last thing (a little off topic)…We
dreamed about a time where the national education system incorporates
Indigenous culture, languages and the history of Australia from an Indigenous
perspective, the possibilities and positive impact this would have on the
Australian culture. Oh the possibilities! J
This month’s discussion was very
interesting. It was wonderful to have some insights from our frontline workers,
particularly from Trevor who was fantastic at providing some insights as to the
challenges an Indigenous worker and Indigenous clients encounter.
The authors of the article were involved
in the implementation of the resources and training available on this website.
Click on the "Resources" tab at the top for links to free factsheets and resources that may be of use.
An earlier article from one of the researchers, that focuses on motivational care planning, is:
Nagel, T. & Thompson, C. (2008). Motivational care planning: Self management in indigenous mental health. Australian Family Physician, 37 (12), 996-1001.
This may provide some additional reading for those interested in Motivational Care Planning.
Great article and very timely!
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