Friday, 26 July 2013

The new news.

Do you currently get the news headlines sent to you from the Resource Centre?

At the moment the RC offers a service where we forward on "Today's News" - a collation the daily AOD news from Australia. Essentially, it's an email with a list of news headlines and hyperlinks.

For a while now we've been considering how to do the news differently. Two concerns were: upping the mental health content and making it more accessible.

So here's what we've gone with... an online newspaper!

At the moment I've just set one up in my name to trial the concept*, but I'd love for you to have a look.  

Eventually, we'll set one up under the final name of the Resource Centre and start promoting it.

The benefits are:
  • Presentation - pictures and video clips in the display
  • Time effective way for the RC to disseminate the latest news - both AOD and MH
  • You interact with it the way you want - visit it when you feel like, subscribe to get a daily email update, go through the archives to see news from previous days... 
  • It can be embedded in our Resource Centre website when it's finalised.
Please have a look and leave a comment here if you have time- I'd really like to hear what you think.

*Please excuse my profile picture! It's my daughter pulling a hilariously horrified face when she was 3months of age. Obviously, this is not the image we'll use when setting up the real newspaper... or is it?... :-) 

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